Alliance for Peacebuilding

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Getting From Here to There: Successful Implementation of the Global Fragility Act

Authors: Elizabeth Hume, Jessica Baumgardner-Zuzik, Conor Seyle, Eric Keels, Dianna E. Almanza

Publisher: Alliance for Peacebuilding

Publication date: July 7, 2020

AfP and One Earth Future Foundation are pleased to release the final version of Getting From Here to There: Successful Implementation of the Global Fragility Act. This report was originally released in March for peer review and we received excellent comments. This feedback resulted in additional recommendations and, updates which include data-driven methodology and a list of priority stabilization and prevention countries and regions.  

Additionally, since the first release of the draft report in March, we know the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health crisis, but essentially “stabilization in reverse” --  upending governance, economies, and human and food security globally. The challenges facing the development, humanitarian and peacebuilding sectors globally are significant, complex, and interconnected. It is critical now more than ever to understand and begin applying the principles in the GFA that call for a multisectoral integrated approach that ensures peacebuilding and conflict prevention are at the center of the pandemic response strategy.